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  • Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity Initiative: Consultation open

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    Ben Hedley


    BSI is currently collaborating with the Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity Initiative (VCMI) to help them deliver a robust, transparent, and representative consultation process for their beta Scope 3 Claim.

     The Claim can be used as an additional tool for companies to act on their scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions.

     The consultation launched on 2 September and is open until 7 October. We’d be delighted if you could get involved and participate in the consultation - there are various ways you can do this:

    • Participate in a series of focus groups we’re running to contribute to the refinement of the Scope 3 Claim methodology and guardrails. Please contact my colleague, Sheetal, Consulting Manager and Project Lead, for more information
    • Provide feedback on VCMI’s beta Scope 3 Claim on the dedicated consultation platform. 


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