Extending the celebrations around World Consumer Rights Day on 15 March, ARSO is hosting a webinar to highlight the various opportunities presented by the AfCFTA w.r.t the role being played by ARSO to ensure the participation of Consumers in Africa's Standardisation, and focuses on:.,
- the Opportunities with the AfCFTA Agreement
- The Role by the African Union to facilitate Buy in Africa and from Africa
- The Private Sector role and challenges, especially the Motovehicle industry
- Role of the ARSO Consumers Committee (ARSO COCO)
- Role of the ISO/COPOLCO and international best practices.
To register, please click on the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0tdOGrrTspHdDSpk3c5uu4QGrstRLF3xew