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  • The Commonwealth Standards Network

    The Commonwealth Standards Network (CSN) aims to tackle non-tariff barriers and promote strong trade amongst all Commonwealth states through the participation, adoption and implementation of international standards.

    The CSN aims to increase its members technical and institutional capacity to use and participate in the development of international standards via existing international standards organisations such as ISO and IEC. International standards play an important role in promoting productivity and efficiency, reducing costs, removing barriers to trade, and driving economic growth. As such, the CSN is especially relevant to National Standards Bodies (NSBs) from Commonwealth nations that are looking to boost their international trade capabilities.

    There are no fees to join the CSN which is a collaborative network open to standardization stakeholders from Commonwealth states and regional associations. To find out more about the network and/or membership, please contact the CSN Programme Manager Ben Hedley:

    Portal Access

    Some of this CSN Portal is openly accessible, but to access all of the content you will need to sign-up and sign-in to the Portal (links on top right of this page).
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