Please see BSI COVID-19 update:
Following the outbreak of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), BSI, as the UK’s National Standards Body has assessed how we can best support Government, UK businesses and ultimately the UK population.
At this time, it is important that business and Government is equipped with expert, consensus base best practice information to help them navigate the current and rapidly developing situation. After careful consideration of our portfolio, we have selected the most relevant standards to meet the immediate challenges faced by Government and UK business, and will be opening access to these standards during this time of emergency.
The Initial focus will cover 3 main areas: the production of ventilators, personal protective equipment and risk management and business continuity.
As the National Standards Body, BSI will continue to assess how we are best able to support and contribute towards the UK’s collective efforts to mitigate the impact of COVID -19 on both the health of the nation and UK business.
Other NSBs are following similar procedures, please share additional COVID-19 updates/questions with