Message from David Bell, Director of Standards Policy, BSI:
Dear Commonwealth Standards Network member,
I am delighted to inform you that today at the Commonwealth Trade Ministers meeting in London, the UK International Trade Minister Liz Truss announced £2.5m of UK Aid funding to support the next stage of the Commonwealth Standards Network (CSN) from April 2020 to March 2021.
The additional funding will help the CSN continue its valuable work in partnership with National Standards Bodies and other stakeholders throughout the Commonwealth to promote the development and use of international standards, leading to enhanced trade and economic development.
The CSN work programme for 2020-21 is now being finalised. It is being informed by the valuable feedback and suggestions that have been provided by CSN members and other stakeholders via training sessions, survey responses, and the annual meetings. The work programme will include the continued growth and development of the membership of CSN, governance structures, the online portal, training materials, in-country NSB training and stakeholder workshops, and additional technical assistance programmes.
In just over a year the CSN has already become the biggest network of National Standards Bodies in the ISO family. As a collaborative network it relies on the continued engagement from its membership to achieve its aims.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support for the network and look forward to continuing to work with you in the future.
Yours faithfully,
David Bell
Director of Standards Policy
CSN 2020-21 Funding announcement.pdf CSN 2020-21 funding press release.pdf