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  • CSN February/ March 2020 Survey - results highlights

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    During February and March 2020, the CSN conducted a survey to assess the programme’s outcomes to date, and to capture ideas about how the programme should develop for Phase 2 (April 2020-March 2021). Here are the result highlights:

    • 93% of respondents felt that the CSN programme has led to beneficial outcomes, especially in helping raise awareness about the role of standards and regulations.
    • Most participants indicated their interest to receive training in the following sectors:

              - 65% said they would like training focussed on ‘Agriculture and Fisheries’;

              - 55% said they would like training focussed ‘commonly traded goods among Members’.

    • 100% of survey participants found the website to have useful information, expressing a strong interest to engage more with other national standards bodies and have wider collaboration with the academia, accredited bodies and subject matter experts.

    There were also several useful free-text responses to how the CSN has led to beneficial outcomes so far, as well as suggestions to help achieve more in the future. The full results will be published shortly, which will help inform how we deliver the next stages of the work programme to best suit the needs of the CSN membership.

    We would like to thank everyone for your participation and feedback in helping us shape the future of the programme. We will update you as the work programme develops while keeping a close eye on the current COVID-19 crisis.

    Please watch this space for more information.

    Wishing you all good health and wellbeing.


    Edited by Binu Merin Jacob

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