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  • CSN session: UNECE Gender Responsive Standards Initiative 30th March 2021 13:00-14:00 GMT/UTC

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    Ben Hedley

    CSN_UNECE Gender Responsive Standards Initiative_Session_30-03-2021 (v2).pdf


    CSN session: UNECE Gender Responsive Standards Initiative

    30th March 2021

    13:00-14:00 GMT/UTC



    As part of the Commonwealth Standards Network’s (CSN) objectives to promote good practices in the use and development of international standards we will be running an online session from 13:00-14:00 (GMT/UTC) on 30th March to discuss the UNECE Gender Responsive Standards Initiative.

    The UNECE Gender Responsive Standards Initiative provides a practical way for standards bodies wishing to take a step towards making the standards they develop and the standards development process they follow gender responsive, it aims to:

    ·       Strengthen the use of standards and technical regulations as powerful tools to attain SDG 5 (Achieve Gender Equality and Empower all Women and Girls),

    ·       Integrate a gender lens in the development of both standards and technical regulations,

    ·       Elaborate gender indicators and criteria that could be used in standards development.

    Open access via Zoom:


    ·       Host:

    o   Stephanie Eynon: Chair of the UNECE Gender Responsive Standards Initiative

    ·       Panellists and Presentations:

    o   Emmanuel Gatera, Rwanda Standards Board (RSB)

    o   Gabrielle White, Standards Council of Canada (SCC)

    o   Michelle Parkouda, Standards Council of Canada (SCC)

    o   Judith Fessehaie, SheTrades.


    ·       What is the UNECE Gender Responsive Standards Initiative?

    ·       Why is it important?

    ·       What is the UNECE Gender Responsive Standards Declaration?

    ·       How to adopt the declaration

    ·       How to create NSB action plans and implement changes.

    ·       ISO IWA 34:2021 ‘Women's entrepreneurship — Key definitions and general criteria’


    The discussions will conclude with a Q&A session.

    Please feel free to provide questions or comments beforehand by contacting the CSN Senior Programme Manager Ben Hedley  

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